Kelby, Scott.

Scott Kelby's 7-point system for Adobe Photoshop CS3 7-point system for Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scott Kelby's seven-point system for Adobe Photoshop CS3 [Scott Kelby]. - Berkeley, CA : Peachpit Press, 2008. - xxi, 264 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes index.

The 7-Point System gives you a game plan, a correction road map, that you can easily apply to each and every photo you open, so you'll know exactly where to start, what to do next, and so on until you've got a beautiful finished print. You'll be amazed at how easy and fun it can be. These techniques aren't "beginner's techniques," these are the same techniques the top pros use to edit their images in Adobe Photoshop, but Scott presents them in such a direct, simple, straighforward (and fun) way that you'll be able to get these same pro results each and every time.

9780321501929 (pbk.) 0321501926 (pbk.)


Adobe Photoshop.

Photography--Digital techniques.
Image processing--Digital techniques.
Computer graphics.

TR267.5.A3 / K45 2008

006.686/ / KEL